Dominique Vermeesch ( works and develops his questions through notation-drawing-phonics, photography, video including his own body, particularly during performances which offer the opportunity for a mystical encounter with these waves that she watches, with this body as a place of inscription of the world, of history. Troubled body vector of its work but not in a fixed way, like a tattoo, but via sound-tactile waves as a transient vibration. Her questions are in fact at the center of the vast network of works, links and meanings that she sets up. His work, called "contact language", must be approached as a whole, in continual expansion, in systematic questioning. In addition to her creation of drawings, her art is based on classification, archival work that she uses today in her own way, exploring the history and philosophy of the themes that are dear to her, mixing existing documents with her works, constructing in this way a world of dialogues of texts, sounds and images, from different eras, from different cultures. We come across Hannah Arendt, Patti Smith, Simone Weil, Donna Haraway, as well as images of the cosmos and everything relating to creation, the body, and all their mythologies. François Delvoye
- Selection of exhibitions: Musée du Béguinage de la Maison d'Erasme (Brussels), Eglise St Jean Baptiste au Béguinage (Brussels), Musée Art et Marges (Brussels), Le Boléro -Versoix (Switzerland), Musée Royal de Mariemont ( La Louvière), Rops Museum (Namur), Louvain-La-Neuve Museum (Louvain - La-Neuve), Tournai Cultural Center (Tournai), Maison de la Poésie (Namur), CWB (Paris)
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Mérédith Monk et Hannah Arendt
1951 Open my mouth. Fill my organs of hyper-feelings. Introduce into my body six hands, two bellies, three breasts and eight eyes. Experience several “Petite Mort” (Little Death) like Martha Graham’s.
1957 Become an eye - insect.
1960 To turn 14 years old. Be a ♂ or ♀ a or …? Swallow the “Froth on the daydream” of Boris Vian.
1965 Collect reproductions of painters and women from different cultures.
1970 Enter the philosophical beat era. Disguise my body. Live of Alan Watts’ love and knowledge. Mix my eyes, Hieronymus Bosch, Marcel Broodthaers, Yoko Ono. Thwart the excesses of a capitalist society.
1975 Create a field of action. Underexpose my art, live on attempts, incompleteness, and idleness. Write a nomadic thought. Prolong my hand with a camera. Shatter the unconscious part in me with a typewriter. Listen to the cries of Meredith, Monk. Glide wit, h La Monte Young. Read Levi-Strauss’ “Pensée sauvage” (The Wild Pansy aka The savage Mind).
1980 Divert, invert, reverse, potter about, “overlove”. Allow my being to be a woman and an artist. Participate in the feminist demands. Flick through “Les cahiers du Grif” 331W20 by Françoise Collin. Affirm the right to homosexuality, the right to my abortion.
1990 Impregnate my art of Deleuzian philosophy. Become a woman with or without her organs. Remove my bones, deposit them in other lives. Be in a state of ecstasy. Swap my faces with those of Claude Cahun.
1995 Transmit socio-artistic-post-human survivals. Change my name into (d£.space).
2000 Feel the Iraqi missile explosion. Record mnesic waves. Close my eyes, shatter. Surround my body with microphones, audio cassettes, cables, loudspeakers. Inhabit my soul like a own room. Raising two daughters.
2005 Broadcast visionaries : Hildegard Von Bingen, Hannah Arendt Simone Weil.
2009 Surf on You Tube for Judith Butlers thoughts. Listen to Phillip Jeck. Evolve at 300°.
2011 Turn my art into xpoetik. Waver, withdraw, lean back, die, copy and paste visions, disarticulate (d£.space).
2016 Being weightless. Become an asronaut. Emigrate to the Shoemaker - Levy 9 comet.
2017 Landing on the celestial Xinjian mountain disapear in an ash mist and then return to oneself
2018 To be finished. To experience this sensation as a grace. Remember the beauty of Ingrid Bergman in the movie "Stromboli".
2019 To become transanthoropocene. Vomit my AXO3? cells. Modify my body into Chameleon Musae. Being in a state of eruption.
2020 Powder my face with the white of the Okjökull iceberg. Tint my sounds of "rose ss è une rose". Talk to the planet Mars. Hack my voice my art
2021 Making eye-voices vibrrrate life. Listen to the transmental poetry of Varvara Stepanova
2022 Swap my being into piece. Wire my tentacles to the burried things of this world. Eject from the darkness.
2023 To be a swarm of noises, contagion of living words vibrating going and coming from soul to soul, to be blowing ashes and smoke...
Victor Hugo, "The treshold of the abyss" 1891
graphic Design: Salutpublic
development: Bienàvous
picture: dominique Vermeesch / daniel Van Acker
video: dominique Vermeesch / daniel Van Acker
sound: daniel duchamP
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